Our programs

Heimweh nach dem Paradies

Lutz Kliche und Grupo Sal DUO+1

"Una patria de palabras." with Gioconda Belli and Grupo Sal DUO

PLURIVERSUM Alberto Acosta, Sandra Weiss, GS SEXTETT, Johannes Keitel & int. Gast

"The world at its zenith" with Patricia Gualinga and Grupo Sal

„HORIZONTES“ with Grupo Sal Sextett

"All you need is less" with Niko Paech and Grupo Sal DUO

Grupo Sal Duo

Fuego&Luz with Grupo Sal SEXTETT and Johannes Keitel

"Buen Vivir" & Post-Development Economics with Alberto Acosta, Niko Paech and Grupo Sal

"Mich lockt die Liebe mit ihren Stacheln" Gioconda Belli and Grupo Sal DUO

"Buen Vivir – The Right to a good life" Alberto Acosta and Grupo Sal

"Pulse of Latin America" with Grupo Sal DUO

Grupo Sal Duo

Hier finden Sie unsere Veranstaltungsinfos zu Grupo Sal DUO


2018 - 2019


Lutz Kliche and Grupo Sal: Eduardo Galeano „story hunter“

Eduardo Galeano, born 1940 in Montevideo, was a journalist, essayist and autor of unorthodox historical works and he is still considered a figurehead of leftwing intellectuals in Latin America. He died in 2015 in his hometown. As an author, Galeano became world-famous with his second work, “The open veins of Latin America”. Scientifically based, but with elegance and poetry, he describes the history of Latin America beginning from its discovery, focussing especially on the colonial period. His last work was only published after his death and was released with the title “story hunter” in German in March 2018 (Peter Hammer publishing company). It contains stories about his childhood and youth, his first travels through Latin America and about the people who shaped him, but also about thoughts on death, with which the author dealt during his long illness of cancer. On the occasion of his second anniversary of death, Grupo Sal presented a program in honour of his work. Lutz Kliche, friend and translator of Galeano, read a selection of stories from the book, but as well from his complete work of the famous author. Fragments of self-read texts let his voice and the personality of the poet come back to life.


Gioconda Belli and Grupo Sal DUO: „Nicaragua: Hasta que seamos libres – Until we are free”

„I won’t die without seeing the liberated land“, she announced in spring 2018. The program holds an unusual connection between literature and politics: The reading of her own literary texts – presented by Viola Gabor in German – is combined with reports and analyses on the current situation in Nicaragua and in some cases expanded by a discussion block, moderated by Lutz Kliche. When you hear Gioconda Belli speaking, it quickly becomes clear, that there is still a fighter in her. From 1970 to 1990 she was an active member of the sandinist national liberation front and committed herself especially to educational politics and womens rights. Nowadays she faces the presidency of Ortega with an extremely critical voice and, despite being accused of being the protagonist of terrorism, she cannot be dissuaded from her militant engagement for a free Nicaragua. She always has hope and manages to transfer it to people with her impressive and somewhat mysterious personality.



Ernesto Cardenal and Grupo Sal Trio „My Life’s Work“.

On the occasion of the award of an honorary doctorate by the University of Wuppertal, a tour took place in March 2017, simultaneously celebrating Ernesto Cardenal’s 92nd birthday.
With readings of texts from Ernesto Cardenal’s life’s work and Latin American music by Grupo Sal Trio, a harmonious concert reading was created in honor of the priest. Lutz Kliche performed the German translation.


Gioconda Belli and Grupo Sal Duo „El intenso calor de la luna“.

Gioconda Belli is again on tour with Grupo Sal and reads from her new novel „El intenso calor de la Luna / Moon heat“. Her novel about the secrets, experiences and adventures of a woman in her fifties shows us how the loss of physical fertility can also be the beginning of a personal revolution – in marriage, love, attitudes towards fellow human beings.



Gioconda Belli and Grupo Sal Duo: 30 years of „La Mujer Habitada – The Inhabited Woman“.

Thirty years after the publication of the cult book „La Mujer Habitada – The Inhabited Woman“, the Nicaraguan author Gioconda Belli, by invitation of Grupo Sal Duo, will come again to Europe in the summer of 2018 to contemplate this work in the light of today.


Ernesto Cardenal and Grupo Sal: „A Life for Nicaragua. Let Solentiname live!“

„Love for the beauty of nature and for women led me to God, and love for God led me to revolution,“ reads one passage in Ernesto Cardenal’s work. This formula describes a work that has touched, inspired and changed readers and listeners around the world for decades. Ernesto Cardenal, the renowned poet and revolutionary, will not only read from his life’s work as part of a special reading tour, but will also address current issues. Lutz Kliche, editor, literary mediator and the translator of Ernesto Cardenal’s work, will read the German translation. Ernesto Cardenal is supported in his concert reading by Grupo Sal and the tour is carried out in collaboration with „Pan y Arte“.

2010 - 2015


Concert reading “Etwas das im Himmel wohnt [Something residing in the sky]” with Ernesto Cardenal on the occasion of his 90th birthday.

Thanks to the success of the previous tour in June of this year, a new book of poems with new and not yet released poems by Ernesto Cardenal was published. This tour was meant to promote this book and celebrate Ernesto’s 90th birthday in combination with music by Grupo Sal Duo.


“Pan y Tierra” collage on the topic of land grabbing with Beat Dietschy and Katharina Morello

The concert reading “Pan y Tierra” dealt with the topics of land, sustenance, and justice in an unorthodox way: with music, poetry, expertise, humour, and a vision of the future. The participants talked about current questions and connected the dots in this complex structure of ideas. Reports, songs, and poems from different perspectives spoke to the heart and the mind. The programme was thought-provoking and encouraged action.

“Deine Küsse verzaubern mich [Your kisses entrance me]” concert reading with Pierre Stutz

The concert reading with Grupo Sal Duo and Pierre Stutz was one of many programmes with dedicated and extraordinary theologians like Ernesto Cardenal or the visionary Dorothee Sölle.

Pierre Stutz is a theologian, spiritual companion, and author. He travels through the whole of Germany with his talks and courses. He deals with mysticism, hope, and love and has sold over a million works. His newest book “Deine Küsse verzaubern mich” was the basis for this concert reading. He draws in the audience with his passion and openness.

“Die Frau lebt nicht vom Brot allein [Women don’t survive on purely bread]”

Until today, Gioconda’s poetry from the 70s is an expression of poetical and sensual power, insight, and the will to change one’s path in life. Her poems reflect her turbulent and passionate life. She talks about the loss of youth and goodbyes and talks about ageing in very self-ironic terms.


“Aus Sternen geboren [Born from stars]” with Ernesto Cardenal on the occasion of the release of his complete works

On the occasion of the release of his complete poetical works, Ernesto Cardenal came to Germany, Luxemburg, and Austria. Ernesto is especially well-known in the German speaking countries.

Grupo Sal celebrated its 30th birthday in this year. For about the same amount of time, it had accompanied Ernesto or other artists in their dealings with important topics connected to Latin America.


“Republik der Frauen [Republic of Women]” Concert reading with Gioconda Belli on the occasion of her new novel

Gioconda Belli read excerpts from her new novel and was accompanied by Grupo Sal. Her novel makes one wonder what it would be like if all men were banned from all jobs and if women took over the government. In Gioconda’s fictitious country Faguas this happens – with unforeseen consequences…

2005 - 2009


“Den Himmel berühren [To touch the sky] – songs and poems about love, revolution, God, and the world” concert reading with Ernesto Cardenal

“Den Himmel berühren [To touch the sky]” this sentence by Novalis is quoted by Ernesto Cardenal in one of his works. It was the leitmotiv of the 2010 programme, which was mainly dedicated to Ernesto’s literary and political legacy. Ernesto deals with the question of “What remains?”, which has a clear political dimension. Ernesto talks about his experience as a poet, human, and contemporary with selected texts.

“Spiel mir das Lied vom Brot [Song for the bread]” concert collage on food and justice with Katharina Morello and Ruedi Baumann

This collage was an expression of our desire to live in a more humane world. We approached possible solutions with music, humour, poetry, expert knowledge, and a hint of cheekiness. We also tried to encourage a collaboration between ethics and politics. We wanted to highlight difficult interconnected problems and inspire change.

Funny and exciting stories mingling with analytical reflections and musical as well as poetical counterpoints. A dialogue between worlds with songs, poetry, and essays.


“Träger der Träume [Carrier of dreams]” concert reading with Gioconda Belli

When Gioconda Belli reads from her poems, three decades of passionate womanhood pass us. Her erotic poems caused a scandal in the strict catholic country Nicaragua and her political poems criticising the Somoza dictatorship forced her into exile. Her poems look back at goodbyes and ignite a new fire with the love of life. Gioconda Belli’s poetry has been a symbol of poetical power, sensuality, and the will to change one’s life since the 70s.


“Canto a la vida” – poems on love, mysticism, and revolution” concert reading by Ernesto Cardenal

This concert reading reflected the poetical workings of Ernesto Cardenal in all its facets: his political thinking, his mysticism, his love for the Revolution as well as his love of God. In a selection of well-known and not so well-known poems, one could see the essence of his lifeworks.

Ernesto Cardenal and Grupo Sal wanted to celebrate the love of life and justice. They excited the audience with great poetical and musical quality.

“Sin Fronteras – grenzenlos [limitless]” concert reading

Grupo Sal transcends genres and boasts a catchy sound whose roots range from the Caribbean to Argentina and everything in between. With great empathy and a love to experiment, the musicians explored the wide horizons of Latin American music and presented their experiences with passion.

2000 - 2004


“Im Herzen der Revolution [In the heart of the revolution]” concert reading with Ernesto Cardenal, Dietmar Schönherr, and Klaus Götte

We were happy to announce Ernesto’s last piece of autobiography after 25 years had passed since the Sandinista Revolution. His memories granted exciting insights into a younger Nicaragua: ranging from the victory of the Sandinistas over the Somoza dictatorship until today.

“FAIRwandlungen – Traum einer gerechten Zukunft [A vision of a more just future] concert reading with Siegfried Pater

With this collage consisting of lively music, fantastical stories, and informative backgrounds, we expressed our longing for a fairer world: Poetical texts by Pablo Neruda and Heinrich Böll voiced a want for a more humane economy, read by the founder of multiple third-world initiatives, Siegfried Pater. Together with Grupo Sal, who presented the “riches of the poor” and sang about the power of human dignity, this evening described a world which is turned upside down.


“Ich bin Sehnsucht, verkleidet als Frau [I am yearning dressed as a woman]” concert reading with Gioconda Belli and Viola Gabor

Her poetry work “I am yearning dressed as a woman” is a testimony of poetical power and a desire to transform one’s own life and the course of history. Her poems reflect the realities of her feminine strength: lust and pain unified with rebellion and a desire to live.


“Solentiname oder die Poesie Gottes [Solentiname or the poetry of God]” concert reading with Ernesto Cardenal and Dietmar Schönherr”

The second work of his autobiography is concerned with life in the community of Solentiname, a place of contemplation, poetry, and a place of empathy for the poorest of the poor.

“Das Lied der Erde singen- in einer Welt der Gewalt [To sing the earth song – in a world of violence]” concert reading with Dorothee Sölle

With a selection of texts, Dorothee Sölle took on the topic of violence. She talked about the consequences of neoliberal economies: New forms of military violence, street violence, and effects which are felt most strongly by the poorest of the poor. Of course, our mother earth is also affected.


“Die blutroten Tomaten der Rosalia Morales [The blood red tomatoes of Rosalia Morales]” concert reading with Dietmar Schönherr

This book is yet another proof of Dietmar Schönherrs’s love for Nicaragua: a series of anecdotal stories which the main character tells the prison warden in turn for a lightened sentence.

On the occasion of the release of this novel, he went on tour with his friends from Grupo Sal.


“Nuevas Visiones – Entwicklung braucht Entschuldung [Development requires debt relief)“ concert reading with Wolfram Frommlet

This programme contrasted cheeky and ironic stories with political reflection. Music from the South took turns with modern poetry. A rational gaze towards broken dreams of the past releases power for the visions of tomorrow.

1995 - 1999


“Jeden Tag ein Fest – Geschichten aus Lateinamerika [Every day a party – stories from Latin America]” told by Dietmar Schönherr

This collaboration of Grupo Sal and Dietmar Schönherr produced a collage of contemporary music and texts. It was opposed to alienation, resignation, and injustice. Stories packed with humour, warmth, life, and compassion for human weaknesses showed the power of small daily gestures of fantasy and solidarity.

“Canto del Agua – Gesang des Wassers [Chanting of water]” concert programme

This programme was an amalgamation of tradition and reinvention. This programme treated water as an image of life: calm, in movement, tumultuous – a absorbing interplay of singing and multiple instruments. Powerful interpretations and soul-gripping arrangements beyond the purist model of ethno-sounds.


“Wasser ist Leben [Water is life]” concert reading with Siegfried Pater

This collaboration combined complex musical entertainment with crucial expert knowledge. The collage put human interaction with water into an artistic context. Texts from world literature were recited by Siegfried Pater but also reports by Maria Salete Pereira from the resistance movement against the Sobradinho-dam in north-eastern Brazil.

“Mit Liebe füllen wir diesen blauen Planeten [We will fill this planet with love]” concert reading with Ernesto Cardenal and Klaus Götte

Another tour based on “Cántico cósmico – Gesänge des Universums”


“Verrückt nach Licht [Crazy for light]” concert reading with Dorothee Sölle

An interplay of Latin American music and writings from this famous theologian. Dorothee Sölle read a selection of her own texts, prose, and poetry and talked about contemporary political topics such as ecology, feminism, and “global madness”. Further, she touched upon themes like mysticism and very personal topics.

“Den Kindern des Südens [The kids of the South]” a programme with Dietmar Schönherr

The programme was dedicated to the street kids working in Nicaragua. “Human rights tell us that child labour should be illegal. Are we stripped of our actual right to live?” This is what the kids in Managua asked us. The programme tackled this question.

“De Maíz y Fuego [About Corn and Fire]” concert programme

The programme built upon an interplay of poetical and powerful songs and the tension between exciting rhythms and lyrical melodies. We were told about the backstories of these songs and learnt about the translation of some of the lyrics.


“Von Träumen und Utopien [On dreams and utopias]” a music collage

Latin America: a worn-down continent, especially after a series of horrible dictatorships. And yet it is still a source of utopian concepts. This programme presented some of these utopian voices and celebrated the fight for freedom and justice.

“Gesänge des Universums [Singing of the universe]” concert reading with Ernesto Cardenal and Klaus Götte

Ernesto Cardenal presented his new book together with the actor and art historian Klaus Götte. “Cántico cósmico [Singing of the universe]” placed love at the centre of the entire creation story. This book of poetry with about 500 pages is nothing less than a book of scientific poetry; or poetic science.


“Erotic poems” and “Waslala” concert readings with Gioconda Belli

This was the first concert reading with Gioconda Belli and the beginning of a long friendship and collaboration which has lasted until today.

1990 - 1994


“Aber die Hoffnung bleibt [But hope remains]” concert reading with Ernesto Cardenal and Dietmar Schönherr

This is the first concert reading with Ernesto Cardenal, Dietmar Schönherr, and Grupo Sal

“Encuentros – Zauber gegen die Kälte [Magic against the cold]” music collage

A meeting point between music and poetry with original compositions and contemporary Latin American music and an intersection of different cultures and musical genres which mingle in Latin America.


“500 Jahre Einsamkeit [500 years of solitude]” concert reading with Dietmar Schönherr and Violar Gabor

Music and lyrics on the history of the “discovered” Americas

A critical collage on the 500-year long conquest of Latin America: the first Grupo Sal CD, where lyrics by Native American sages are interwoven with music.

“Caras – Gesichter Lateinamerikas: im Schnittpunkt der Kulturen [Faces of Latin America: at the intersection of cultures]”

In a time where the world becomes smaller and smaller and a lot of people fear strangers, we understand our artistic work as a means to bridge differences between cultures which often fail to understand each other.

The programme lived off the tension of different rhythms, colours, and atmospheres which define Latin American music. It also fed off the power, density, and modernity of Grupo Sal’s lyrics.

1985 - 1989


“Colores” concert reading

The first concert programme in the large line-up, which took the listener on a musical journey through Central and South America.



“Nicaragua mi Amor” concert reading with Dietmar Schönherr

This concert reading is the first artistic collaboration between Grupo Sal and Dietmar Schönherr and the beginning of a long friendship and collaboration which lasted until his death.

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