Sabrina Fernandes

Sabrina Fernandes is a Brazilian sociologist, political economist, author and activist. She holds a PhD in Sociology and a Master’s degree in Political Economy from Carleton University in Canada. She is currently the Director of Research at the Alameda Institute, which was founded to promote engaged and critical research on the transition from an age of catastrophe. Most recently, she was a fellow of the Center for Advanced Latin American Studies at the University of Guadalajara in Mexico and a fellow of the International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, with research stays at the University of Brasília, the University of Vienna and the Free University of Berlin.

In recent years, she has focused her work as an activist, researcher and publicist on combating depoliticization and advancing efforts towards a just and internationalist ecological transition. She pioneered the digital communication project Tese Onze („Thesis Eleven“), which combines academic research and activist communication and has over 400,000 subscribers on various online platforms and media, including a podcast and book club. She was an editor at Jacobin Magazine and senior consulting editor at Jacobin Brasil. In addition to her work as a public speaker in several countries, she frequently gives interviews and publishes articles in a variety of media with a large readership. Her first book, „Sintomas Mórbidos“, about political fragmentation in Brazil, was published by Autonomia Literária in 2019. Her second book „Se quiser mudar o mundo“ is an introduction to radical politics, which has already been published in its seventh edition by Editora Planeta. She is an activist of the Ecosocial Pact of the South in Latin America and a member of the editorial board of the NACLA report. She is also responsible for the new editions of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and the 18th Brumaire by Louis Bonaparte in Brazil, with original introduction and annotations. Her books and articles cover various fields and her publications can be found in English, Portuguese, Spanish and other languages.

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