Miriam Lang is a sociologist, Latin Americanist and activist. She works as a professor at the Department of Environment and Sustainability at the University Andina Simón Bolívar in Ecuador. There, she has coordinated the international master’s programme Political Ecology and Alternatives to Development since 2020.
She moved from Berlin to Latin America in 2003 and now lives in a commune near Quito, from where she accompanies ecological, indigenous, feminist, anti-racist and internationalist movements. In her research, she combines decolonial and feminist perspectives with political economy and political ecology and works on systemic alternatives and multidimensional transformation. She integrates perspectives such as Care, Degrowth, and Buen Vivir.
She has written and edited numerous books and articles, including ‚Beyond Development – Alternative visions from Latin America‘ (2013), which has been translated into 9 languages.
From 2009 to 2015, she headed the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s regional office for the Andean countries and in this capacity co-founded the Latin American Permanent Working Group on Alternatives to Development in 2010, in which she still participates today. Since 2016, she has been co-coordinating the globally working group Beyond Development (https://beyonddevelopment.net/). Since 2020, she has been with the Pacto Ecosocial e Intercultural del Sur, a plural Latin American platform for post-capitalist, post-pandemic perspectives.
Miriam Lang is also known as one of the authors of the book ‚Pluriverse – A Post-Development Dictionary‘, which inspired the PLURIVERSUM event series.